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Five Scientifically Proven Ways To Make Work More Enjoyable.

February 26, 2019

People all are busy in their own ways and their offices take up a major chunk of their time! Some even put in extra hours at work. But sitting on one’s desk constantly is just taking them closer to burnout.

It is crucial that people make their workspaces a place where they don’t mind staying for such long hours. A place that helps them get most of their work done and keeps them focussed and refreshed.

Here are 5 ways one can make sure their work is more enjoyable and helps them make work more better -

  1. Lunch Breaks Are Important
    The main point here is to get away from work. If someone is not the kinds to take a break during lunch then it is suggested they start doing it immediately. It doesn’t necessarily have to be an hour but however much time one takes, they should make sure they are engaging themselves in something that does not involve work. They can go out for a nice lunch with teammates, or indulge in a card game with some coworkers or even fit in a quick workout. 
  2. Get Creative At Work
    By creative it doesn’t mean one should start making art (although it would be a great way to blow off some steam), but it is suggested to get creative as to how one goes about their day. Some activities one can do would be sending inspirational quotes or interesting articles with their team or hosting a potluck with colleagues or even having a weekly meeting where one talks about industry happenings and funny anecdotes.
  3. Let There Be Laughter
    One should try to make instances which will invoke some laughter in the workplace. This helps people to calm down and relax in the middle of strenuous work. But one should watch the line so that they don’t end up annoying or offending someone! They can try having silly office awards or some office jokes on a mail thread. Laughter is infectious and a great way to refresh the mind and restart work with a fresh mind.
  4. Walk It Off
    At times when one is stuck with some work or is unable to have a breakthrough, sitting in front of the desk does not help. What one needs is a change of scenery and taking a walk can prove to be the best option. It is suggested to get up and go for a 10-15 min walk and come back. That helps one get out of the mental block and think afresh.
  5. Find Your Own Space
    There are times when our desks don’t feel as comfortable or are not helping one think well. They can just take their laptop and sit in a different location (maybe an outdoor seating if their workplace has one, or even a quiet place which may be more comfortable). This would help them keep their focus on and will be able to work better.

So the next time one feels their work is getting a little boring or they need a change in the way they work, they can try some of these ideas and make work more enjoyable and effective.


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