Taking a Break Can Help One Be More Productive: Here's why


Taking a Break Can Help One Be More Productive: Here's why

December 31, 2018

While many leave their vacation time unused, the undeniable fact is that taking a break can actually benefit one in multiple ways. With the holiday season already on, it’s time to stop working too hard, head for the beach & enjoy the career rewards.  While deadlines at work loom in sight it is also important to take a break from the routine & the demands of life in order to keep stress levels in check. Here are a few reasons to let loose & unwind once in a while & why doing so can help one perform better at work –

Prevent Burnout
Letting work stress build up can be unhealthy in several ways. Vacations and breaks interrupt the cycle of stress that can lead to burnout at work. A recent study conducted by Gallup found that 23 percent of full-time employees felt burned out at work while an additional 44 percent reported feeling burned out sometimes. Research says that breaks help clear and manage stress so that one comes back to work feeling refreshed and restored thus preventing burnout. Therefore it may be high time to stand firm & reclaim time during the holiday season.

Fresh Perspective
A good vacation can also help one reconnect with themselves & tap into the headspace needed to gain a better perspective. Being able to step back once in a while can help one achieve their objectives at a much faster pace & help them perform better at their tasks. A break from the stress cycle can also lead to sharper thinking and increased creativity that can spill into all the areas of one’s life.

Lesser Ergonomic Problems
Sometimes sitting or standing in one position for too long can cause muscle tension and can create painful knots. Similarly staring at a computer screen for prolonged periods can impact vision and can cause terrible headaches thus reducing productivity & efficiency in the workspace. A break may let one stretch, relax & avoid future injuries or deficiencies.

Bottom line: Taking breaks is not a sign of weakness or a waste of time. When one is stumped or hitting a wall at work they can prove to be extremely helpful. So pack the bags, get away for a few days & return to work to start the year on a fresh note!


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